sexta-feira, 15 de julho de 2011

Tic tac toe

Maybe someday, I say: “I’m tired”
I would like to escape
I don’t know to walk here
Give me your hands
Be with me
Walk with
Say me “Where do I need to go?”
Answer me… I don’t know what I should make
Do I’m alone?
Will I be alone forever?
Then… A noise “TOC TOC”
And I… Well, I didn’t want to hear.
Again… “TOC TOC”
I didn’t believe
“I am being crazy”, thought.
I yelled:
A voice:
“Hey daughter, open the door… Open the door”
“I don’t know what you are talking”
“Hey daughter… don’t you see? The door is closed.”
“Wait! Dad? Dad! Are you here?”
“Oh… Since always!”
“Dad! Say me: “what’s the door that I need open? What’s?”
“The door of you heart… The door that you must trust me
“My heart? Oh dad! It is a confusion, a disorder… My heart is sad.”
“Give me the key”
“I feel fear”
“I have security”
I opened the door. I gave the key. Sometimes I think about quitting. Sometimes I just see the sun disappear, but I forget that behind the moon, there he is sharing his light. And rising to others.

Um comentário:

Karla disse...

'A confiança Nele nos faz andar em lugares altos...' Lindo texto Debby!
Você é uma amada do Senhor muito especial e sensível a Sua voz, não perca isso! Eu gostei muito...ashuash lindo, lindo! E pensar que um daqueles nossos 'games' do cursinho pudesse ser o título de um instrumento tão simples, mas com uma verdade que nos faz caminhar, que é o andar com Cristo!